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  • Writer's pictureGlasgow University Indian Society

Our Constitution

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

As adopted on 18th Apr’20

and as amended at the EGM on 7th Aug’20

1. Group Name · The student group shall be called GLASGOW UNIVERSITY INDIAN SOCIETY. 2. Aims and Objectives · The aims and objectives of the group shall be: i. Unite Indians and Indian culture enthusiasts across university. ii. Embracing Indian culture and appreciating other Asian cultures by hosting different events and festivals. iii. Organizing different events which venture out into different cultures to show appreciation. iv. To show diversity within our cultures by holding festivals of different religions and thus showing the diverse culture of India. v. Host at least monthly activities which can keep the members engaged. 3. Membership

· Membership of the group is open to all University of Glasgow students, members of Alumni, and staff. o Staff must not make up more than 10% of the group. o Current students at the University of Glasgow must make up at least 80% of the membership. No more than 20% of the membership can be made up of staff, alumni, members of the public, students from other institutions, or any other form of non-current University of Glasgow student. · All members that are not current students of University of Glasgow are considered honorary members of the group, however, retain no voting rights and cannot stand on committees. ·The GUIS can have a membership fee the sum of which is decided by the elected members of the Board and announced during an AGM or an EGM. 4. Rights of Members · All paid members of the group may take advantage of all the activities and privileges arranged for the group. Only paid members may conduct business on behalf of the group, vote for or hold official positions. · Non-members may be admitted to the meetings and functions of the group at the discretion of the committee, but they shall not enjoy the privileges of full members. · All paid student members are eligible to stand. 5. Governance · The Society shall be under the control of membership, · Society bank accounts must always be under the control of the CURRENT treasurer and president. · The Business of the society shall be conducted by an elected Board Member. · The Society shall always have at least three members of the executive · All members must adhere to the specific guidelines for their roles · The Board will be responsible for arranging the activities compatible with the aims and objectives of this Constitution and incurring expenditure to this end only. All members of the Board are equal, and any activity put on by the committee must be inclusive for all paid members. · The Board shall consist of the Executive and the Committee. · All Board members retail equal and independent voting rights.

6. The Executive and their roles · The Executive shall be made up of at least four members’ fulfilling the following roles: i. President 1. Shall be the spokesperson of the society. 2. Shall chair meetings of the Board unless unavailable. 3. Shall co-ordinate the work and activities of the Board. 4. Shall co-ordinate Freshers’ Week activities ii. Vice-President 1. Shall Chair meetings of the Board in the absence of the President. 2. Assist the President in fulfilling their duties towards the society. 3. Shall fulfill all the duties of the President in their absence 4. Shall book rooms for the society purposes. iii. Secretary 1. Shall be responsible for drafting letters to be sent to external bodies on behalf of the Association under the direction of the Board. 2. Shall be responsible for compiling an agenda for Board Meetings. 3. Shall keep minutes of AGMs, EGMs and Board Meetings. 4. The Secretary should also make the committee meeting agenda and minutes from the Board meetings. 5. Shall maintain a confidential mailing list. iv. Treasurer 1. Shall maintain a record of the income and expenditure of the Society, shall be responsible for preparing the accounts and shall keep bank statements. 2. Shall maintain a record of all paid members of the society. 3. Shall be responsible for the financial wellbeing of the Society. 7. The Committee and their roles · The Committee shall be made up of members’ fulfilling the following roles: v. Event Co-Ordinator 1. Shall be responsible for coordinating publicity and arrangements concerning all events. 2. Shall support the involved Board members in each event vi. Welfare Officer 1. Shall be responsible for raising awareness of welfare issues with the membership and liaising with the appropriate bodies in the interests of achieving these goals. 2. The welfare officer should work with the Board and society members to ensure that the society is a welcoming and safe environment for all members of the society. vii. Social Media Co-Ordinator 1. Shall be responsible for maintaining an online presence of the society. 2. Shall be responsible for publicizing all board organized events. viii. Creative Director 1. Shall be responsible for creating any/all posters or flyers or any article of similar nature as desired by the Board. 2. Shall be responsible for getting these articles printed if necessary. ix. Campaign Co-Ordinator 1. Shall be responsible for organizing any campaign whose cause has been approved by the Board with a three forth majority. x. IT Director 1. Shall be responsible for maintain the society website. 2. Shall be responsible for sending out the monthly newsletter xi. Student Engagement Officer 1. Shall be responsible for maintain an engaging environment at all society lead event.

2. Shall be responsible for any student led collaboration with other societies or clubs. xii. First Year Representative 1. Must be in their first academic undergraduate year of study at the University of Glasgow, but irrespective of age and gender. 2. shall be responsible to represent the present needs and views of first year students of the members of the Society, and to facilitate other members of the Board where appropriate xiii. Postgraduate and Mature Student Representative 1. This post is only open to a person who is either on a postgraduate degree or is identified as a mature student under University regulations. 2. Shall be responsible to represent the present needs and views of first year students of the members of the Society, and to facilitate other members of the Board where appropriate 8. Grievance Policy

The Glasgow University Indian society adopts a Zero Tolerance policy which is in alliance with the University's Dignity at Work and Study policy.

This policy defines the standard of behaviour against which any individual will be judged if a complaint is made against them. GUIS will not tolerate infringements of the policy, whether they involve bullying, harassment, discrimination, violence, sexual harassment, Gender-Based Violence or any other form of unacceptable behaviour.

If you are unhappy about the conduct of another individual or group of members from GUIS, you may raise your concerns by submitting a formal complaint via our grievance form available on our website.

Minor misdemeanours will be dealt with by GUIS grievance sub-committee, who may issue warnings, ban members and visitors from the society, or revoke membership temporarily.

Any significant complaints will be escalated to the University Senate via student conduct. For more information their website has a breakdown of all offenses covered, including:

  1. Disrupting, or interfering with, any academic, administrative, sporting, social or other University activity.

  2. Behaving in a disorderly, threatening, offensive, indecent or violent manner (including sexual violence or abuse) or using threatening, offensive or indecent language (whether expressed orally, in writing, or electronically).

  3. Behaving in a way that risks the safety of any Person, or could cause injury.

  4. Discriminating against any Person on grounds such as age, disability, gender, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.

  5. Harassing any Person.

  6. Behaving dishonestly by engaging in fraud, deception, misrepresentation, or personation (including the falsification or misuse of University documents).

  7. Damaging or vandalising University property or the property of any Person.

  8. Stealing or misappropriating University property (including funds) or the property of any Person.



1. This committee will constitute of:

a. The current society President

b. The current society Welfare Officer

c. 3 society members elected by the board (with at least one ordinary member)

2. In case of an absent president, the vice president will attend the meeting

3. in case of an absent welfare officer, one of the society executives will attend the meeting

4. The President will chair the committee.

5. If the person who filed the complaint is dissatisfied with the committee's response, they can

exercise their right to appeal.

6. When the right to appeal is exercised, the 3 elected members will be re-elected.

7. If needed, the welfare officer will assist the complainant in filing a report with the student court.

​ 9. Annual General Meeting

· The Annual General Meeting of the group shall take place during Semester 2 of each year when all the general business will be transacted. At this meeting, a Committee shall be elected for the following academic year. Current office holders will report on the past year’s development and finances. Notice of such a meeting will be given one week in advance. · Date, time, location of the AGM should be announced to the members of the society at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. 10. Election of Committee · The group shall have a committee of elected paid members. These are to be elected in Semester 2 during the Annual General Meeting. · Details of the AGM must be given to members at least 2 weeks before voting takes place. This should include guidance on how people can nominate themselves and what they should prepare. · All positions are to be voted on by paid members of the group in person at the Annual General Meeting through a closed ballot. · Following the election, the departing board members must give a handover to the newly elected committee before leaving their post 11. Removal of Committee Members and By-Elections · A committee member may be removed from office and a by-election held if: i. They resign. ii. They cease to be an ordinary member of the SRC. iii. A vote of no confidence is passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting to remove the member from office. iv. The By- Elections are to be held during an EGM. 12. Extraordinary General Meeting

· Extraordinary general Meetings may be called at any time by the Board or by written request of 20% of the members. The exact nature of business to be transacted must be stated by the Secretary of the group. Not less than seven working days’ notice shall be given in official notices and such notice shall include the business to be considered, the time, the date and the place of the meeting.

13. Committee Meetings

· Committee meetings shall be called by the President and three members of the Board. The Secretary is to inform each committee member of the date, time and venue of the meeting.

14. Quorum

· The quorum for the A.G.M & E.G.M. shall be 10% of the group’s members. The quorum for Board members shall be five, at least one of whom should be the President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.

· There shall be no quorum for other meetings or activities.

15. Affiliation

· The group is not to have an affiliation to any outside body without prior consent of the Union.

16. Finance

· The group shall have one finance account which is maintained by the treasurer. Any group found to have an external finance account will be subject to disciplinary procedures by the Executive, up to and including liquidation.

17. Constitutional Amendments

· Any amendments proposed by a member of the society can be made to the constitution during an AGM or an EGM.

· Any amendments must be carried out by a two-thirds majority of an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

18. Equal Opportunity Statement

· Provide and promote equal opportunities, whatever a person's race, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, HIV status, age, physical or mental disability, state of health, appearance, status, family circumstances.

19. Data Protection

· The Society records personal information about its members (e.g. names, contact details etc.) for the purposes of running the club/society (legitimate interest). This information will be held securely and only for as long as it is needed. The information will not be sold or otherwise passed on to third parties without individuals’ consent. Society members have the right to a copy of the information held about them on request, and to correct any inaccuracies in the information held

20. Students’ Representative Council

· Representatives of the society shall attend inductions and training (where applicable) ran by the GUSRC.

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The Glasgow University Indian society adopts a Zero Tolerance policy which is in alliance with the University's Dignity at Work and Study policy. This policy defines the standard of behaviour against

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